Accelerated Reader

The quiz list link:

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computerized reading incentive program whereby students earn points by taking tests based on books they read independently. We begin using the Accelerated Reader program in 2nd grade and continue with it until the end of 8th grade. We offer various incentives/rewards for points earned on the program. We have been using the Accelerated Reader program for many years and began using it online for the first time during the 2012-13 school year. The online version has many more advantages than the desktop version. It allows students access to any test produced for AR. Your child will not be able to take tests at home (for obvious reasons), but parents can have online access to their child's progress and can receive an email when their child takes a test. You should have received a letter regarding the AR Home Connect. You also should have received a letter from me regarding the required reading per quarter for each grade. If you misplaced either of these letters, please contact your child's classroom teacher.

If your child is in grades 2-8 you may use the Accelerated Reader Book Finder directly at . If you already access your child's account online, the link is also available on this page.

Renaissance Home Connect for Accelerated Reader

Dunmore School District children in grades 2 - 8 use a software program called Renaissance Place that hosts the Accelerated Reader program. This program has a special feature called Renaissance Home Connect, which parents and children can access outside of school from any computer with an Internet connection. Renaissance Home Connect is fun and easy to use. It allows the teacher to share information about student's Accelerated Reader progress with families.

You can log in to Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection and compatible browser. For a list of compatible browsers, type the following URL in any browser:

To log in to Renaissance Home Connect:
The username and password are the same as your child uses to log into the Accelerated Reader program at school.

If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox, add [email protected] to your address book.

You can access more information on AR by accessing the Parents Page at

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