Welcome to 6th grade Science:
Following are the links for google classroom. Each homeroom has their own link. You may have to copy the link to the address bar to access the page. I have also put the user name and password for Brain Pop and Science World magazine.
The students' assignments are on the agenda that will be posted under Classworks on the google classroom page. I will post notes and links ether on the stream or under the classworks tab.
6-2 Ms. Dempsey's homeroom, https://classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMDk4MzM4OTA2?cjc=jfggpm2 Code jfggpm2
6-3 Mrs. Comparetta's homeroom, https://classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMDk4MzM4OTYx?cjc=6vnrjw7
Code 6vnrjw7
6-4 Mrs. Fergusson's homeroom, http://https//classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMTExMTQ0MDU5?cjc=slt5uls
Code: slt5uls
6-5 Mrs. Kreis' homeroom, http://https//classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMTExMTQ0MTEx?cjc=4y23kbt
Code: 4y23kbt
6-6 Mrs. Reynolds' homeroom, http://https//classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMTExMTQ0MTQ3?cjc=2ggkpgl Code: 2ggkpgl
Brain Pop sign in is ekreis6 password is kreis6
Science World- Click on tab for student and enter this code- BB2VZPF4
Students sign in to Science google classroom page. Go to classroom.google.com. Their user name is [email protected] the password is pin#bucks.
Mrs. Kreis
<About Me>